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Meet the Author

Hello! My name is...well, I guess that's not important right now.
I am a 23 yr girl from New York. I graduated college last year
with a computer science degree, although I mainly just took a lot
of artsy classes. I also took way more web design classes than
needed, so it only makes sense that I try to make a website right?

Like many others before me, I have many interests:
writing, animation, graphic novels, video games, cooking, coding
I can go into more detail but these are the important ones.

I am a jack of all trades, master of none sort of deal.
An insecure mess, a hopeless romantic, and perhaps a talented
individual if I were to ever crawl out the dark dank hole that is
the bottom of my heart :(

Anwyays, this is starting to sound like a depressing cover letter,
so just know that I'm a shy web designer hoping to have some
fun with this personal webstite of mine.

Wish me luck!